
Because of our vast area of expertise, TITAN Piping Systesms Inc. can offer a wide range of solutions for industrial, municipal and commercial applications. Our products can be integrated into all types of treatment steps with the minimum amount of work and time.

Fabrication technologies include a large spectrum of industries served, and depending on the application in question, our company can provide a single product or adopt a multi-process approach to complete massive projects.

Available products

Products vessel internals
Closed Loop Packages
  • Resin Traps and Strainers
  • Wedgewire Laterals
  • Headers & Hub Radials
  • Inlet Distributors
Products Titan piping
Turn Key Packages
  • Electropolished Piping
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Desalination Systems
  • Pump and Energy Recoverys
Products Titan piping
Power and process piping
  • Chemical Processing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Refining & Mining
  • Food & Beverage
Products Titan piping
Heat Transfer Packages & Chemical Feed Packages
  • Aquaculture
  • Cooling Towers
  • Cyanide Regeneration
  • Pulp and Paper Bleach

Services offered

Custom fabrication
Glass bead blasting
Precision machining
Electro polish
Design Assistance
Mechanical polish
Electrical panels and install
Prefabricated pipe spools
  • Power piping
  • Process piping
  • Ozone Gen systems
  • Vessel Internals
Electro polish
Skid fabrication and assembly
  • Stainless Steel Skid fab
  • Final Skid Assembly
  • Custom Electrical Panels
  • Electrical installation
Pre-Fabricated piping spools
Skid Fabrication
Panda building
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